13 Kasım 2006

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"The Turkish grand narrative turns to a very large extent on how Great Power imperialism kept hounding and persecuting the Muslim Turks of the Ottoman empire, and eventually the Turkish rump that was left. Then we had to wage this glorious nationalist struggle against them and against plots to partition us. Now, the Armenian genocide, the tragic uprooting, deportation and annihilation is not something that sits well with this narrative of pure victimisation and suffering."

He compares it to a child believing that they were brought by a stork, that their parents couldn't possibly have had sex and calls his theory "the immaculate conception of the nation state."

Bu linke gidip bu yazıyı okuyun bunun basinda da basortusunun yasak olması ve "human rights" ile alakalı bir yazi var gerçekten tek diyebileceğim İRONY....

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